MBSR.Mindfulness based stress reduction program.
It is common and normal to feel tired, stressed, at times unable to find a solution to the challenges we are facing; by changing the way we respond to life’s difficulties, our lives also change, because our resources are more than we think we have.
What is the MBSR program?
The Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction program was developed by Professor Jon Kabat Zinn in the late ’70s at the University of Massachusetts, and it immediately revealed great preventive and rehabilitative clinical potential. MBSR is used in prisons, schools, workplace and in all situations where there is a need to address the physical and psychological impact of stress.
Why a mindfulness based program?
Mindfulness allows us to get in touch with what is happening inside and outside of us and intentionally take care of our body and mind. A process that takes place by developing the ability to stay in the present and that help us manage stress, pain, illness, and overcome the challenges of every day using skills that already belong to us.
“As long as you are breathing there is more right than wrong in you, no matter what is wrong.”
Jon Kabat Zinn
Is the MBSR for you?
The MBSR protocol is used for stress-related or stress-causing conditions: chronic pain, hypertension, cancer headaches, cardiovascular, skin and lung diseases, sleep and digestive disorders, and AIDS.
It is widely used as a support in case of depression, anxiety, eating disorders, panic attacks and in all difficult life situations of short or long duration: bereavements, separations, relationship challenges, life transitions.
How does it work?
The MBSR protocol teaches us to intentionally turn off the automatisms of thought, inhibit the tendency for mental rumination, and activate a non-judgmental awareness toward our lives, ourselves and our experience moment by moment. This moves us from a position of blame or criticism toward our condition to one that holds us accountable to face our difficulties.
Opening our heart and mind
Many of us tend to have a very narrow view of our own lives which makes us rigid, stuck. We tend to live our life on automatic pilot.
Exploring ways of going further, allows us in difficult moments to have an overall view and not just focused on the problem. A broader vision gives us balance, and helps us perceive and appreciate the nuances and beauty that is present in our life.
The MBSR program
The 8-week program is structured as follow:
- 1 introductory session;
- 8weekly sessions of about two and a half hours each;
- 1 all day retreat.
It is possible to undertake the MBSR course in a personalized way, according to your needs and schedule, with 1:1 teaching.
Contact me to discuss this opportunity, or take a look at the courses available.
I teach in person MBSR programs in Geneva, Switzerland, a couple of times per year.
What can you expect by attending the MBSR program?
If you decide to attend the MBSR program, you will need to commit to a daily meditation practice.
During 8 week, you will
- learn to navigate through life’s difficulties with methods that lead to mindfulness-driven solutions.
- Practice feeling and becoming aware of your own experience, moment by moment.
- explore different ways of relating to stress, looking at how we habitually relate to thoughts, events, emotions.
- Cultivate inner calm and being centered.
- Practice and learn techniques to train the muscle of attention, one of the pillars of our mental and emotional well-being.
The next MBSR program will kick off at the end of October 2021. Get notified when registration opens.